Friday, September 22, 2006

Remember what it's all about

We've all had a lot of fun watching the outing of the Kean JUNIOR campaign troll on Blue Jersey. Y'know, If they had just blamed it on a low-level staffer and said that they would ferret out any deceptiveness in their campaign, it would've gone away in a heartbeat. Instead, they tried to deny it without ever checking if it might be true. Lie first, ask questions later; that's the Republican way.

Now, it's time to remember this election is really all about:

A group called Military Families Speak Out has complained publicly that Kean has refused to answer its questions on Iraq. The organization, which supports Menendez's call to withdraw troops within a year, said that while Kean met with them, his answers were incomplete and he has refused repeated requests to clarify his position.

"The war in Iraq is the most important issue," Menendez said. "If you can't explain to New Jerseyans why you are sending their sons and daughters to war, you have no right to ask for their vote."

The war in Iraq IS the most important issue. That's what it's all about.

1 comment:

Bob said...

The Junior campaign is realizing they can win this election on a name if they can keep the face, personality & opinions of the candidate blank. "Tom Kean [jr] - he's whatever you want him to be."