Welcome to the Carnival! The tents are up, the weather is pretty good for this time of year, and we're glad you're here. Let's see what's going on in the blogosphere in Our Fair State this week.
Our Stories
Daniella's (Mis)adventure this week was going to see The Daily Show taping. It's Handless Mutant-Retard Month over at Laughing at the Pieces. Truth wants to know what's wrong with me?"- but it's a slippery slope at Imaginary Therapy. We're Trading with Tom over at D'igital Breakfast, looking for the dummy spots. We're gettin' F.I.L.T.H.y over at This Full House. Shamrocketship is thinking about how someone might be remembered. Prussian Tiger over at Surrounded by Women knows whose fault it's not. Bob at the Rix Mix just can't get away from religion. GiggleChick is thrilled about the launch of a new website she's designed. *Rob at Usdin.net announces a new episode of the Jersey Jamcast. Catheters and drunks are on tap over at No/w/here. Jay tells us of the odd, ironic advantage to being HIV+ at Lassiterspace. Gil analyzes Dr. King's "I have a dream" speech at Virtual Memories. Tata at Poor Impulse Control may be controlling her temper, but she still can't take hypocrites.
New Jersey
Janet at The Art of Getting By is ready for smokers to Take it Outside. The Xpatriated Texan discusses Ocean County Lt. Laurel Hester as a hero who shouldn't be made a martyr. El Zorro over at The Old Fox's Den also expresses outrage at the treatment of Lt. Hester by Ocean County. BlueJersey.net announced earlier today that Lt. Hester should be receiving domestic partner benefits after all. Lou at Cinnaman wants the truth before we all River Dance down the Delaware Dredge. Roberto at Dynamobuzz discusses Corzine's inaugural speech and some challenges ahead for Our Fair State, while TigerHawk discusses Corzine's choice in locations. The Jersey Tomato mourns the loss of Krispy Kreme. Fausta discusses Ben Franklin on his 300th birthday. Suzette is leaving to get her mojo back. Jersey native Greg Gethard talks about one amazing acting class.
In the News
Tami, the One True wants legislators to Read The Bill! Dossy notes that witchhunts may still be around in Mass., especially if there's kinkiness involved. The Nightfly notes: "Severed fingertip - fifty dollars. Putting that fingertip in restaurant chili - nine years. Cost of subsequent frostees at restaurant - zero dollars. Making fun of everyone involved - PRICELESS." Karl isn't going to let the terrorists stop him. Steve Hart at the Opinion Mill wants respiratory distress related to Ground Zero to be called "Whitman Lung." Andrew at Did I Say That Out Loud? is sick of the same old 9/11 song. Media in Trouble discusses David Drier's interview on NPR, the deaths at this year's hajj, and the Washington Post's ombudsman. Tom at Fractals of Change wants the NY Times to discuss all the alternative fuel options. Roderama has us a little worried about Rutgers breeding fearless mice.
Around Town
Dossy found a new family place- Unbelievea-Bill's. Tammany on the Hudson notes that Public Safety is Job Zero when it comes to the Lincoln Highway bridge. Enlighten is no fan of the Sports Arena Deal for the Medowlands.
The Contrarian notes the connection between Comedy Central and NJ pols- but, what can we say, he's not a Springsteen fan. Maureen at Jersey Writers discusses Boardwalk Memories: Tales of the Jersey Shore, about thirteen shore towns with actual boardwalks. We're talking Ferris Bueler over at A True Jersey Girl. Nordette Adams and Aberjhani will be together- on CD, that is.
Mike at the Ipso Facto Comic tells it like we all know it really is. But, Noreen Braman has turned her blogging into a "blook!" Fred at The Eternal Golden Braid is distributing erotica with his blog!- or is he?
Thanks for visiting the Center of NJ Life, and we hope you enjoyed reading what our fellow residents are saying. Next week the carnival travels over to SmadaNek. You can submit posts during the week at njcarnival@gmail.com . Have a great week!
Great job! This is your second turn hosting the carnival, right?
nice job! thanks for the link --- yes, very excited about jim gaffigan's website --- although "excited" is an understatement! :)
looks like it was a lot of work to put all this together. *thanks a million*
it's nice waking up to a carnival.
Another good job done, Sharon!
Thank you for hosting, lovey. Not only does the carnival have a chic clarity in your hands but a reader can't even tell I made it a pain in your derriere. Please accept my apologies, and congratulations on a job beautifully done.
Thank you, Sharon, for helping give all us handless mutant-retards a voice.
I'd tell you the secret handshake, if we had one.
Tata- no apologies necessary! What pain?
Janet- this is my third time. I hosted Carnival Twenty and Carnival Twelve.
If anyone would like to host the carnival, click on the carnival graphic and there's an email to sign up. I very much enjoy hosting, and I bet you would too.
Nice job this week, Sharon. Hope I can do it justice this time around!
Great job, Sharon and thanks for hosting - Again!
Nicely done, Sharon. Thanks!
Nice job! Thank you for all your hard work.
Very nicely done; very clear and concise. Thanks for hosting again!
Very nice!
Thank you!
Thanks, Sharon...an awesome job this week!
Three times eh? Great for you and for us..but where are the rest of the Jersey bloggers to step up to the plate?:)
I'm wonderin' the same thing, Janet. It's a few hours of work but not a very difficult thing to put up the carnival, but since we all benefit from it with increased exposure and traffic, we should all take our turns hosting. As of this writing, there are carnivals scheduled until Feb. 19th. I hope folks sign up! Click on the carnival icon for info on how to volunteer.
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