Saturday, January 21, 2006

Tough luck, casinos!

Press of Atlantic City:

Corzine not ready to ban smoking on casino floors
Asked if it was fair to only give an exemption to casinos, Corzine answered, “Is
it fair to undermine the economic well-being of an enormous asset like the
casinos, which claim that this will have real impact with their ability to
compete with Las Vegas or all of the other elements of gaming around the country
or around the globe?”

I ask, is it fair to treat casino workers as second-class citizens compared to other workers around Our Fair State?

The bill is S-1089/A2067. Write your state senators to let them know how you feel.


DareDevil said...

not fair

Anonymous said...

Casino workers and musicians in casinos have hearts and lungs like everyone else and yet they work in some of the highest concentrations of secondhand smoke and are the first to be left unprotected by the law. Let's see...the people who need the most protection...don't get it! Now that's discrimination!