Friday, June 30, 2006

There they are now... entertain them!, the CD/DVD store, is running a promotion called Music for the Military to collect entertainment for the troops. You can find out more info at:

So I'm thinking about this worthy idea... what would be a good selection for those who serve? I wouldn't want to make people too homesick or depressed (or send them stuff that's "topical", since they've learned more about the topics than any musician), but I'm also reluctant to send stuff that's too mindlessly party-hearty to folks who can't really cut loose. So I guess I'm looking for the middle ground between American Idiot and Saturday Night Fever.

I'm leaning toward Bob Marley and Marvin Gaye. What would you send to provide a little moral support?


Bob said...

Are military personnel that desperately in need of recorded music? I would think that for all they don't have, including a plane flight home, it's the one thing they probably have in abundance.

Chris A. said...

I should perhaps clarify... I don't want the troops in Iraq. If I had a site to offer that would get them plane flights home, I'd post that. (In that spirit, you're welcome to visit

However, regardless of what happens in terms of withdrawals, someone will be serving overseas. I can't personally provide them with safe passage, or resources they can use in the field, or protection from asinine policy decisions.

But if, in addition to supporting their safe return (hopefully sooner rather than later), I can send them a few minutes of comfort at the end of the day, I'm happy to do it.

Mitchell J. Freedman said...

Sharon and Chris,

I'm an ex-NJ guy living in CA (MF blog is my blog, by the way). What's up with Corzine demanding an increase in the sales tax from 6 to 7 per cent? Can't he raise the income tax on top earners like...himself? This budget shouldn't be that hard to balance (he said with a recognition of who his governor is in CA and the budget issues there...)

Closing down the government to push for SALES tax increases, and fighting your own party in the process, is a recipe for a repeat of the Florio disaster of the early 1990s (I loved Florio I must say and still think he was one of the greatest governors for NJ--his actcions contributed to a rebirth of economic development in NJ during the 1990s).

Anything you can say to help me out of my sadness in reading the article on Yahoo this morning about Corzine shutting down the NJ government?

Sharon GR said...

Hi Mitchell, thanks for stopping by.

I think it would help to look at the budget in total to figure out what he's doing. I agree, the income tax may have been a better way to go than the sales tax simply because the sales tax is more regressive, but one way or another, we need to fix thirty years' worth of financial mismanagement and Corzine is the first one to step up and say he's really going to do something about it.

You're right, they're going to hit him like a Florio pinata after this. But, if we're lucky, we'll have three more workable budgets before the next gubernatorial election and some of this mess will get better.

Fixing the mess Christine Whitman created with the property taxes is hopefully the next step. I hope schools get funded with an income tax to reduce the reliance on property taxes.

Sharon GR said...

Sorry- should've said this before-

I'm glad Corzine shut down the government. He's now a rarity in political life- a Democrat with a Backbone.