Thursday, June 08, 2006

Evil has a skinny bleach-blond face

Satanic Minister and poison Kool-Aid distributor Ann Coulter is at it again. In her new book, named something ridiculous I'm sure, she labels a group of 9/11 widows from Our Fair State "The Witches of East Brunswick" and declares, "I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much."

Let that sink in a moment. This heartless horror of a human being has the damned nerve to pass judgment like that.

From Senator Frank Lautenberg:

"Ms. Coulter's shameless attack on the victims of the worst act of terrorism in American history can only engender disgust," Lautenberg said in a statement.
"Her bookselling antics and accompanying vulgarity deserve our deepest contempt.
"Her foul remarks trivialize the deaths of every single person who died that terrible day, including .. .those brave police officers and firefighters who ran into those burning buildings."

What a sleezeball she is. This is probably the lowest she's sunk, so far anyway.

(cross-posted at Blanton's and Ashton's.)


The One True Tami said...

Yeah, I had to write about her, today, too, after hearing that phrase.

It was actually shocking to hear someone say that on the radio, you know?

Kathy O'Leary said...

I saw Ms. Coulter on the Today Show this week. I shut it off before she could get into her comments about the 9/11 widows. Once you get over the disgust and you look at the point she is trying to make it is all just sour grapes. She is frustrated by the fact that she cannot respond to the comments of the widows of 9/11 without questioning the authenticity of their grief. So what does she do? She questions the authenticity of their grief. I have come to expect that type of hatemongering from her. I was most sickened when I heard that her book was the number one selling title on Amazon this week.

Sharon GR said...

I am hoping that this is the comment that pushes the smarter members of her cult following away. The Repugs have been crying "9/11!" whenever they need something- as Al Franken said, the Bushies' little black dress. She demeaned people directly involved here, and I'm hoping she offended the better-informed of her Kool-Aid drinkers.

I may be kidding myself, though.

jay lassiter said...

as part of my parole, i amnot able to write about Ann on my blog.

Jeri said...

Nothing she says anymore has the power to shock me, not even this.

She does, however, continue to astonish me by illuminating my own capacity for hatred. The things I wish would happen to her...well, best not to share.