Friday, June 02, 2006

Ebert says it all

Roger Ebert's review of An Inconvenient Truth is great. Go read it now.

Global warming is real.

It is caused by human activity.

Mankind and its governments must begin immediate action to halt and reverse it.

If we do nothing, in about 10 years the planet may reach a "tipping point" and begin a slide toward destruction of our civilization and most of the other species on this planet.

After that point is reached, it would be too late for any action.


In 39 years, I have never written these words in a movie review, but here they are: You owe it to yourself to see this film. If you do not, and you have grandchildren, you should explain to them why you decided not to.

Here in the Center of NJ, it's playing in Montgomery, Princeton Garden Theatre, and at Clearview's Red Bank Theatre. I was hoping to go see it tonight, but for lack of a babysitter I cannot. We will see it soon.

Oh, and go solar. But you knew I'd say that, didn't you?


Andrew said...

Funny. I'd just read that before coming here. It must be a hell of 9 movie. Iwas scared just reading Eberts's review.

Jeri said...

I've heard it's actually very entertaining as well as informative. Has cartoons and everything. A reviewer on NPR said Gore's humor really shone through.

It still kills me that he's not President. Global warming has been the most important issue facing the world since long before 2000, but people thought it would be a good idea to elect two oilmen over the guy who wrote Earth in the Balance. And worse, Nader voters saw no difference between them.

Sharon GR said...

It kills me too, Jeri. He should have been president- he was elected and everything.

I still harbor a grudge toward the Nader supporters. I remember either Nader or his campaign folks talking about how they knew they wouldn't win but if they changed the election they would "send a message" about two-party systems and the power of a minority.

If six hundred Nader supporters in Florida had voted for Gore instead in 2000 instead of trying to "send a message," the world would be a different place today. Literally, a different world.

What a shitty message they ended up sending.

Sharon GR said...

Soccer was canceled today due to rain- maybe we can get that babysitter after all...

Bob said...

I thought it was too late 15 years ago. Doesn't mean we shouldn't do anything. Just means that whatever we do won't make any difrerence for 100 years.