Friday, April 21, 2006

One blissful hour

Didn't sleep well last night. I was up about every hour or so, so when that alarm went off I was in no mood to get up. But up I got, dressed I got, and hauled myself down to the local high school pool, miserable the entire time.

Then I got in the water, which was cold. As always.

It took about five minutes before I began to feel better. I was fine, for the first time in a couple days. I was great! The clean, clear, chlorine-filled water kept everything away and I was just fine. I swam my full regular routine, just like it was still winter. I stayed clear of problems, all the way home.

Maybe ten minutes after I got home, it started again. The itchy throat, the reflexive rubbing of the eyes, the runny nose. The source of my misery, what kept me up all night, was back. Damn friggin' allergies.

But for one blissful hour, I could breathe normally. There are no flowers or trees in the indoor pool.

Such is Life in the Center of NJ in April. It's filled with tree pollen.


The One True Tami said...

Yeah. You know my big, black car? This morning I walked out to find a big, green car in my driveway. Ugh.

jay lassiter said...

maybe you should stay in the pool for an hour 1/2??
hang in there. i am glad i have minimal suffering with sinuses and allergies and stuff.

Does pot help?

Sharon GR said...

No idea if it does, but thanks for asking! Loratidine (Claratin) sure doesn't seem to help much.