Saturday, August 27, 2005

Support the War! Screw the soldiers.

In an article from Newsweek about Posttraumatic Stress Disorder:

"Often soldiers can only talk to folks who have been there," says Colonel Ritchie, who is especially concerned about those in the National Guard and Reserves who might return home isolated and be unable to find outlets to discuss what happened there. Batres has started a new soldier-to-soldier counseling program he hopes will help. He believes that outpatient treatment usually works best—and not just because the VA's budget is in the red.


The soldiers, the brave men and women who are doing the fighting (and all too often dying) in this war get too little support from our government. How can Teflon Dubya sit there and beg for the American People's support for his war, while he won't even put enough into the VA budget to pay for their treatment when they return home? Let'snot forget the treatment of loyal GOP man Chris Smith, who only wanted to get more money for our veterans.

Here's some ways to actually support our troops: The DOD maintains a list of over 150 organizations you can utilize to support our brave men and women overseas. None of them require a yellow ribbon magnet be attached to your car.

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