Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Teabagging and the modern conservative sheep

Better than I could've said it: Gary Stein of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel:

You want to complain about taxes and bailouts and how the government spends your money, terrific. That's legitimate frustration. Activism and protest is great, and necessary. But do it because you want to, not because you are following orders from egomaniacal talk show hosts.

And, spend a minute or two to learn why a cute reference to a landmark historical event turns your manufactured "protests" into an even bigger joke.


Steady said...

Ooooo, God forbid people express an opinion that is in conflict with the "great" Barry Obama. So much for the tolerance that Liberals proclaim they possess.

Obama is spending like a drunk former community agitator. He has ZERO business experience, just a big mouth and smooth talk. A majority of the Americans who voted last November were suckered by this used car salesman and now the entire country will suffer because of it.

50% of the American people do NOT pay any income tax!!! What's with that!!!???? Everyone who lives in this country needs to contribute. The days of the few carrying the tax load for the dead wood in this country have to come to an end. Unfortunately, Barry Obama is NOT the man to stop it.

I pray that the American people wake up and realize the mistake that was made back in November and throw the liberal/Leftist Democrats out of office in 2010. I'm afraid if that doesn't happen, our county will be changed for the worse forever.

Sharon GR said...

Oh, do stop. Or better yet, listen to yourself.

Where does this 50% figure come from? Can you back it up? 50% of my household doesn't pay income taxes- they're kids.

If you read the article I linked to (can you read?), the author mentions how it's great to protest against governmental actions; indeed, it's the great fabric upon which our country was based. However, you shouldn't be protesting just because some Faux TV Newz windbag tells you to.

Don't come here and pontificate about the few carrying the tax burdon for the rest. This is NEW JERSEY, for chrissake- where we pay more in Fed. taxes with less payback than anyone. We know. An if you want to protest that, go ahead! Write letters to editors! (Attempt to make them less hateful and more coherent than this little rant, please, or no one will read them.) Get out the vote! Write your blog! Go door to door!

Just don't do it because you "baa"ed when Sean Hanity said you should.

Geoff said...

Right on, Sharon! It seems like the protesters think Obama invented the federal income tax. Indeed, from the photos and reports I've seen and read of the hilariously named "teabagging" protests, it appears a lot of the protesters are just general anti-tax people and have nothing in particular against Obama except that he's currently the president (and a Democrat).

And why are these people complaining when the vast majority of them will see tax cuts under this administration? Where were they when Bush spent all that money on the war without even putting it in the budget?

It's partisan pandering, and nothing but, egged on by people who deliver the kind of "news" that requires quotes around it.

When they make a legitimate argument, I'll be glad to listen.

Geoff II